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- The Lunchtime Proletariat at this time...ý
- AxEA
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- AxEA
- Andrew Judith Bennett (Esq.)ý
- Biog: An avid Sumo Wrestler and Aphid breederÿ Andrew þ
- went to public schoolÿ where he enjoyed being spanked þ
- on a regular basis by the lion tamers there. After a þ
- couple of months he started his school magazineÿ which þ
- he called "The Nudie News". In his later years he þ
- wrote a skit ("Nudie Panorama") and even had published þ
- a short storyÿ "Nudie Nights". He is stricken with an þ
- irritating compulsion to point at pictures of the þ
- Queen and shouting "Look at that! That there's a þ
- toilet".ý
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- Graham Chernobyl Muscrat Potato Bogpot Fifi Charters þ
- (deceased)ý
- Biog: Deceased.ý
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- Neil Belinda Davies (Mrs.)ý
- Biog: Neil was found in a pink bin-liner dumped in a þ
- disused Tesco carpark in Harlow New Town at the age of þ
- four. He has since been unable to go out in public þ
- without wearing a Balaclavaÿ flippersÿ a spinning bow þ
- tie and "Keep Britain Heterosexual" stickers over each þ
- nipple. His attempts to join the civil service were þ
- scuppered when he turned up at the interview carrying þ
- a dead dog and claiming to be Omar Sherif. He now þ
- writes down his filthiest dreams for Lunchtime and þ
- plays in a Chocolate Watchband tribute group whilst þ
- disguised as Aleister Crowley. Neil has been declared þ
- legally dead by the Audley branch of the Rod Steiger þ
- Fan Club. He was 46.ý
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- Paul Eccles Golds (Captain and all-round lovely boy)ý
- Biog: Paul spent must of the 60's living in a þ
- Taiwanese brothel. He told his family that during þ
- this time he was one of the Beatles and spent a lot of þ
- time touring. Upon his returnÿ he spent much of the þ
- seventies drug-runningÿ pimping and working in Margate þ
- County Library as a condom machine. This peace was þ
- shattered when he was arrested for herding a flock of þ
- Norwegian mountain goats into an East End cinema þ
- during the premier screening of "Love Story". He þ
- steals ideas for his Lunchtime articles from National þ
- Geographicÿ Preston Church of the Divine Sinners' þ
- annual Financial Report and his Grandmotherÿ who he þ
- claims is a talking record of the Brighouse and þ
- Gastrick Brass Band.ý
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- Moribund Hedgehogý
- AxEA
- Biog: Moribund is co-author of "Autoerotic Fatalities þ
- and the vegetable worshipping cult of Istanbul". His þ
- plans for a follow-upÿ tentatively entitled "Writing þ
- Spaghetti Porno Westerns in a Homemade Garden Shed" þ
- were ruined when his dog put the finished manuscript þ
- in the binÿ declaring it "too crap to publish". He þ
- tried to get it out of the bin againÿ but the dog bit þ
- him. He now writes for this wonderful journal. His þ
- dog works for British Telecomÿ detecting prank phone þ
- callers who frighten old age pensioners by ringing þ
- them up and pretending to be Michael Jackson. þ
- Moribund collects monkey`s skullsÿ has seven ugly þ
- children and thinks he is a tea bag. He has no sense þ
- of direction and his immediate plans are to die.ý
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- AxEA
- Phil Horsewanker Toddý
- Biog: Phil is a builder by profession and got the þ
- publishing bug in 1988 when daubing grafitti on the þ
- Midland Bank in Hanley. He is unable to write on þ
- anything other than used Izal Medicated Toilet Paper þ
- stolen from the offices of the Wilmslow branch of Bell þ
- + Howell due to receiving (or so he claims) þ
- visitations from Adolf Hitlerÿ who taunts him by þ
- dancing the "Frug" and shouting "Go count the red cars þ
- on the M6 this afternoonÿ you asshole" in German. He þ
- has had three original ideas in his life but forgot þ
- them.ý
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- AxEA
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- Steven Princess Marigold Redferný
- AxEA
- Biog: Steven believes that he is a reincarnation of þ
- Lord Baden Powell and has a strange affinity for short þ
- trousers and brown shirts. He also entertains þ
- children occasionally due to a diminished reading age. þ
- His favourite catchphrase is "There's nothing like a þ
- woggle up your sphincter on a Sunday to help your þ
- breakfast go down". His only moment of fame was when þ
- in the 1974 fisherman's strikeÿ he swapped his right þ
- leg for a second hand miners helmet. His favourite þ
- film is 'Zombie Cannibal Holocaust' which always makes þ
- him cry. He keeps dead cockroaches in Hamlet cigar þ
- boxes and the rest of the Lunchtime staff hit him a þ
- lot because they don't like him very much. He doesn't þ
- write anything for the magazine but he's the only one þ
- of us with a hand scanner so we put up with him.ý
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- Matt Changed His Name Tunnicliffeý
- AxEA
- Biog: Matt suffered a significant trauma at an early þ
- age due to his parents naming him 'Matthew Arthur Fido þ
- Tiddles Henry Gladys Rufus Groin Ugly Bob Iceland þ
- Tunnicliffe' after the pet dogs of all eleven members þ
- of the 1966 World Cup Squad. His parents are now in a þ
- home. So are the dogs. He attributes his writing þ
- 'talent' to an incident when at the age of 23 he þ
- overdosed on McVities biscuits and accidentally shot þ
- the milkman with a rolled up copy of the national þ
- anthem. His eventual ambition is to be recognised as þ
- a free stateÿ like his best friend Sudetenland*. His þ
- hobbies include kissing plaster goldfish and trying to þ
- re-invent the cabbage. What a silly fucker.ý
- ý
- Sun Raý
- Biog: Sun Ra is six hundred years old and is from the þ
- planet Saturn. He plays piano and synthesizer with þ
- his bandÿ The Solar Myth Arkestra. Howeverÿ he does þ
- not write for this magazine.ý
- ý
- *Sudetenland is an area in Czechoslovakia** bordering þ
- on Germanyÿ previously part of Austria-Hungaryÿ which þ
- in 1919*** contained about 3m****. German-speaking þ
- people. After the Nazis***** obtained power they þ
- instituted intensive propaganda amongst the Sudeten þ
- Germans to press for union with Germany. This was þ
- achieved by the Munich Pact 1938. After the Second þ
- World War the Sudetenland was returned****** to þ
- Czechoslovakiaÿ who performed a bit of ethnic þ
- cleansing on the German speaking population.ý
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- **a countryý
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- ***a year preceding 1920 and following on from 1918. þ
- Not to be confused of course with 1968ÿ a year þ
- following on from 1967 and coming before 1969ÿ 1970ÿ þ
- 1971 and quite a few others besides.ý
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- ****A company which makes sellotapeÿ floppy disks and þ
- foam rubber things (I think).ý
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- *****Not very nice people. You wouldn't like to þ
- AxEA
- invite them to dinner. Unless you are stupid. Or you þ
- are a Nazi***** yourself.ý
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- ******crikeyÿ can't you figure anything out for þ
- yourself?ý
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